Author Archives: Rafael The Wizard

Anthony N.Galizia Sr. (Director)

★ Anthony N.Galizia Sr. ★ Anthony N. Galizia Sr. is Vice President, Partner, and Producer at Meta4 Creative Media, LLC, overseeing all aspects of production including budget, creation, development, writing, editing, talent acquisition, directing, producing, marketing and client relations. The team at Meta4 Creative Media create multi-platform, original content in all genres of both fiction[…]

Cody Withrow (Writer)

★ Cody Withrow ★ Dedicated screenwriter and passionate visionary focused on creating the highest level of interactive visual art in human history. Cody Withrow, known for Lighter A Ketamine Experience (2021), Slumber is Golden (2021) and Sunday Short Film (2021). Explorandum (2022) Stay in touch! Social Media Instagram Email [email protected] Previous Page

Fatima Da Gama (Cinematographer)

★ Fatima Da Gama ★ Fátima is a Venezuelan journalist who graduated in 2011. The beginning of her career was mainly dedicated to marketing and corporate communication. She loves artistic expressions in many areas: dance, painting, crafts, and nature photography. The film industry was always a curious passion never explored until recently. She is actively[…]