★ Rafael The Wizard ★

As a passionate director, Rafael Noriega created his growing portfolio of documentaries, TV pilots, and films based on a single mantra – feel the story. Creating a script, crafting a shot list, finalizing locations are crucial, however, emotion is essential. After collaborating and leading over 20 film projects Rafael discovered filming translates into feeling. This inspiration influenced the detailed lighting design applied in his science fiction short film, Explorandum; as well as the editing technique crafted in the documentary series, An Island in Time (Documentary). Creating an authentic experience by handpicking each lens, each angle, each depth of field, as a measure of emotion for the audience to feel. This concept of “show don’t tell” is apparent in Rafael’s wide range of creative works such as Slumber is GoldenVery NiceThe SnookBliss of Rai, Dark Place, and  Struggling Artist. As his career progresses, he discovers deeper and effective ways of communicating a theme that blossoms inside each viewer who experiences his vision – how does it feel to be human.

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